Year 2
C/C++ StageWeb Fullstack (JavaScript)
Year 3
.Net / Java / PHP / Python for Data Science / Mobile
Development / Ruby on Rails / JavaScript Advanced etc
Year 4
In-depth study of special professional disciplines
1st year – introduction to the specialty, mathematical, and humanity
disciplines, alongside programming basics. The main task of this stage is to prepare students
for acquiring practical skills and form a solid basis for further study.
Marathon is a testing phase, a high-intensity period that
serves as the basis for selection to the Innovation Campus program. Students who fail the
marathon return to traditional university studies.
2nd year – project-oriented training under the Innovation Campus program
C/C++ Stage, Web Fullstack (Node.js) Stage. The stage where all the basic soft skills are formed
and fundamental hard skills are acquired.
3rd year – choosing technology for an individual training track,
internships in IT companies. Internship programs are created directly by company specialists who
support and guide students throughout the entire stage.
4th year – in-depth study of specialty disciplines (mathematical
modeling and analysis, decision-making, etc.), internship. The stage ends with the writing and
defense of a thesis and, as a result, the bachelor's degree.